Today, we are going to take another look at a definition from How To Understand Your Job Better: Hutar Job and Business Terms, available for purchase:
is change. It takes place in many ways. It can be internal, such as a growth in attitude, a growth in faith, a growth in confidence which comes from within the person. Growth can be positive or negative as when you are working in a positive situation, learning the job, improving on the job, performing better on the job. Negative growth is a growth in frustration, a feeling of dissatisfaction on the job, a feeling of uselessness. Positive growth means developing new skills, developing persistence, getting something done- not being a quitter. Growth can be rewarding and satisfying. Growth is more than just dollars and cents.
It is developing the tremendous, but unrealized potential that you have within you. Growth is learning. It is challenging yet at times frustrating. Growth can be a new experience, a new awareness of certain things, a new thought, a better utilization of your time. Growth is recognizing that the world is a place where you make a contribution, where you build.
Take this definition to heart.
You will need to outgrow your increasing costs as rent, gas, insurance, taxes, fees, and other unknown costs continue to rise. You will need to grow significantly in order to stay solvent.
If you want your business to survive, you will need to experience CONTINUED POSITIVE GROWTH. The World is growing around you- Check the news. Every day, people are making breakthroughs in science, technology, and art. What kind of growth are your competitors experiencing? If you want to maintain a “status quo” relationship with them, you will need to AT LEAST experience as much growth as they have. Anything less, and you are FALLING BEHIND. If you want to gain, you will need to EXCEED their growth.
Questions for Reflection:
- What was your positive growth this week?
- Did you experience negative growth? In which way?
- What is your plan for positive growth next week?