Success Consists Of...

Owning Your Future

13 August 2013 by Laddie F. Hutar

What are your distractions?

Too much tv? Video games? Surfing the web? Sports? Music?

These are all things that could potentially rob you of your future goals. Many times we overlook the every day distractions that hurt us in our quest for fulfilling our Outstanding Success Plan (OSP). Entertainment is fun, and sometimes a necessary part of your life- but all of these activities are someone else’s agenda. You need to know your agenda, and make the adjustments necessary to keep on it. Evolution, not revolution, is the name of the game. To stay on your OSP agenda, it is not necessary to throw your life into complete upheaval. Small daily adjustments will help keep you on the path to Little Daily Victories.


When these other distracting forces, people, or companies, get your attention, they win and you lose- you are not on your OSP agenda. The first step is realizing this. Simply understanding that you are under constant pressure to conform to others’ plans and agendas from advertising, entertainment, meetings, and conversations will put you ahead of the game; but that’s not the end of the story. You still have to make sure you put your agenda and your goals ahead of others’ in your life. The question is- what are you going to do about it now?


Questions for Reflection:

What are your distractions?
Where can you identify others promoting their agenda in your life?
How can you stay on your OSP agenda?


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