Success Consists Of...

Knowing Company Policy

29 April 2014 by Laddie F. Hutar

Company policy is the “way things are done around here.”

This means the rules and regulations employees follow in doing their day-to-day tasks. Company policy can be stated or implied. Formal company policies mean that specific items of policy are spelled out in a company manual. Informal company policy is handled by case or problem situation. Stated policies are policies that are either written out or policies that have been spelled out verbally some time in the past.

policyImplied policies mean that a specific policy has never been stated but everyone knows that when a particular problem arises, it is going to be handled in a certain way. Company policies must be reviewed and updated at least once or twice a year. Company policies aid the employee in knowing what course of action is expected of him under specific conditions. They also allow all the employees to interpret a problem or matter in the same way. Company policies avoid confusion and favoritism, and spell out the various rights and responsibilities of individuals.

Questions for Reflection:
Do you know your company policies?
Is there a company policy that should be in effect, but is not?
How can you help your company draft a new, needed policy? How does this help you become a more valuable employee?



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