Success Consists Of...

Knowing Procedure

03 September 2013 by Laddie F. Hutar

Procedure is a traditional or established step-by-step way of doing things.
Every company has procedures that must be followed by its employees.
You can be the very best in a particular skill, but the procedures to
be followed in using that skill are as set up by management. It is
the company’s way of doing things and may be published in the company
policy or operating manual, or may be given to you verbally.
Generally they have evolved over a period of time as the best way to
get specific things done. However given to you, it is your job to
follow them… you are a member of the team.


Questions for Reflection:

What procedures do you follow in your job?
If certain procedures can be improved, how can you make a recommendation to management?
How does following procedure make your job easier?


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