Your Job Description
A job description is a written statement that tells what your job is, who you report to, what your range of responsibilities is, what the title of the job is. A job description may be informal or formal. An informal job description is simply stated in several words or several statements. A formal job description is a detailed analysis of what the job covers. This is done in a spell-out manner. In some cases the job description may run several paragraphs.
Because jobs change from time to time, job descriptions become inaccurate after a time and must be up-dated and revised. Many times you may be hired to do one type of job and after a period of time, the job has changed so the duties, the responsibilities and the skills also have changed.
The person interested in advancement should be aware of these changes. Many times he should alert management to these changes especially at the time of the annual personal review. It is also wise to be aware of the expanded responsibilities that have been included in the job. These should be kept in mind when discussing wage increases.
Questions for Reflection:
Have you looked at your job description recently?
Does what you do day-to-day match up to your job description?
If you could change yours and others, what would you add? Subtract?